Healing Yourself


•self-paced course – All of the Foundational Methods I used to Restore my Internal Ecosystem & Heal from Stage 3 Cancer ✨in video format✨ going from housebound to full-time travel in 2.5 years

•tools for the freedom, health, and truth you crave

•GAPS diet influenced & Dr. Natasha-approved

•Course Side-Effects: not being dependent on the medical system & coming home to your true SELF

•*BONUS* Yeast, Sugar, & Heavy Metals Training (not available for individual sale)



All of the Foundational Methods I used to Restore my Internal Ecosystem

& Heal from Stage 3 Cancer


*Transcending the Fucked Up-ness*

going from housebound & bedridden to full-time travel in 2.5 years 😎🌈🔥



And THEN when I started to shrink my tumors significantly, the detox symptoms from that caused horrifying rashes yet again… and this system worked- YET AGAIN.




No Cancer? GREAT. I’ve found in healing my microbiome, I heal  E V E R Y T H I N G. every chronic mental +physical health condition. & if I had found this system sooner, I probably wouldn’t even have Cancer in the first place 🙃




This System (((Course))) is for You if:

  • You want to Heal Your Self/ do GAPS, but you’re completely overwhelmed by how to even get started
  • You’re getting desperate because all of your old tricks have stopped working- clean eating, dairy free, & sugar free isn’t enough anymore
  • You want to fast track your success
  • You’ve been on GAPS for awhile, but still lie awake at night panicking and googling information that yields unsatisfying + conflicting results
  • You want to feel Confident that you know what you’re doing
  • You want to learn how to truly nourish yourself and your body
  • You’re aware that there is so much more to GAPS than you realize and know that you cannot do it on your own
  • You want to make the best meat stock possible – (without producing a bunch of extra meat…)
  • You’ve got brain fog to the max
  • You want to make the most out of your time in the kitchen
  • You’re ready to make an investment in your health and well-being because you know it matters more than anything else
  • You need a way to make GAPS doable & approachable



This Course is NOT for You if:

  • You don’t take ownership of your own health
  • You are looking for a quick, easy fix
  • You don’t plan on taking any aligned action after you learn the info


What You Can Find in These Trainings

  • Lifetime Access to 15+ Videos Covering the Most Foundational Aspects of GAPS in much more Detail than you could with a Practitioner– use your practitioner time to focus on YOU, not the basic information



  • The Most Basic GAPS Information that I see Everyone Getting Wrong as someone who has taken herself from Housebound to Healed (& as a practitioner)
  • Action Steps to help you prepare for GAPS in a matter of weeks with more accuracy than most practitioners are aware of
  • Tools to Implement the Full GAPS Diet & the GAPS Intro Diet + a Bonus ‘Welcome Video’ that gives you guidelines on whether doing Full GAPS or GAPS Intro is correct for you
  • A Bonus ‘GAPS Daily Routine’ PDF that shows how you can implement the GAPS diet in 3 different phases, (Only Available through The Bundle, not through individual video sale)
  • PDF Resource Guides attached to specific videos, which link you to GAPS approved products & vital information, removing any ambiguity 
  • Videos organized into a 4-week timeline with suggested homework for each week, so that you can prepare for GAPS with the least amount of overwhelm + confusion as possible
  • 9+ hours of Video Content diving deep into exactly How to do the Basics of the GAPS Diet correctly + what results you can expect & when
  • What you need to know BEFORE you start GAPS ideally, but The Bundle is a great troubleshooting tool as well
  • There is adult language in some of these videos




“Your course helped me more then any of the healing modalities that I have spent thousands of dollars on.” -Sarah Hernandez from Texas, Healing Yourself School Student


I could not be more grateful to Lauren Meadowsweet for making and sharing her videos. I found them at a time when I was feeling so alone in my journey to heal myself, a journey I had been on for way too long. I devoured all of Lauren’s free content quickly, and then would rewatch each of the videos because a. they were packed so full of info, I needed to watch them over and over to retain all the info, and b. my loneliness was lifted while I would listen to her talk about the health challenges she has overcome, and continues to face. Finally, I had found someone who understood, and who had made progress on GAPS. There was hope for me!  When she then made even more instructional videos and announced that she was charging a very reasonable rate for access to them, I was thrilled, and jumped right in. I have learned a ton from Lauren, and I recommend her videos to anyone who wants to do GAPS the RIGHT way, and not waste any more time. Also, she is a sweetheart and she makes me smile. – Ali S, Healing Yourself School Student



“The joy alone that Lauren exudes in all her videos makes this course 100% worth it. Not to mention all the incredibly well-researched content on GAPS Nutritional Protocol. Don’t Miss this!” – Kate Pope, fellow GAPS Practitioner



“When I started GAPS, I followed Becky’s Stage-by-Stage book like the bible. It would have been helpful to have your videos in the beginning, but I still learned a ton. I had been on the diet just under a year when your videos came out, and they were still so helpful!” -Kim R, Healing Yourself School Student



“I was going to write to you after I watched all of your videos in the bundle, but didn’t want to wait that long to tell you THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!  You’re amazing, and it brings me so much joy and relief to now have these resources you created.  This is what Dr. Natasha or Dr. Becky should’ve done all along, so I am so glad YOU took the time to do it for the rest of us <3 …you’re a godsend!” -C.P., Healing Yourself School Student


A love letter from Lauren



✨you’re not dependent on the medical system anymore • you can think clearly • you wake up and nothing is hurting, nothing feels weird, and you’re excited for the day • you feel comfortable in your body for maybe the first time ever • you trust yourself and your body completely • you’re truly nourished • you’re not starving and feeling like you need to eat everything in sight • you have this sensation of, ‘I figured it out! I know how to do life now!’ • you stop wondering if you are broken or crazy • you understand that your body heals itself in it’s own time as long as you feed + support it correctly, and you’re uncompromising in doing so✨


you accept yourself, love yourself, know yourself, understand yourself.


This is what it means to heal. I’m not going to say I feel like this every single waking moment because I don’t. But what happens is that the more I heal myself, the more glimpses of these feelings I get on a daily basis. The more my default setting becomes feeling amazing. And now it’s more outstanding or rare when something feels off. However, when something does (because we all go through it), I not only know how to support myself, but I actually follow through with it! The teachings in this course has brought transformation into my life, and it is the greatest blessing and honor to be able to pass it on to you. 😘



Trainings Included in This Course

    • Meat Stock (1:29:10)
    • Fermented Brines (31:28 + 16:05)
    • Water [featuring Dr. Becky Plotner] (21:44)
    • Liver (19:30 + 20:27) *adult language*
    • Sauerkraut (25:09)
    • Salt (11:54)
    • Healthy Fat (48:35)
    • Body & Cleaning Products (20:06 + 10:43)
    • Detox Support [featuring Dr. Becky Plotner] (1:43:04) *adult language*
    • Supplements (31:07)
    • Cooking Styles:
      • How to Make GAPS Intro Soup (43:13) or
      • How to Make Full GAPS Veggies (21:17) {cooking principles starting from Advanced Stage 2} 
    • GAPS Dairy (28:10)
    • GAPS Milkshakes (16:21) *adult language*
    • How Long You’ll Be on GAPS: from Someone who’s been Through it (3:03:56) *adult language*
    • * BONUS * Yeast, Sugar Addiction, & HEAVY METALS (1:29:40)
        • How to Make Medicinal Strength Herbal Teas (15:01)
        • How to Make GAPS Ice Cream (9:40)





The Purpose of Healing Yourself School

  • Designed to Change the Way the World Goes on the GAPS Diet
  • For those who Know there is Something More for them besides ill health
  • To Make Healing Yourself on GAPS Possible Without all the Confusion and months of Research on the Internet, only to realize years later that you missed life-changing details
  • To Create a Reality where you Won’t have to see a Practitioner to perform the Fundamental Aspects of the GAPS Diet correctly
  • For you to save the most time, money, & energy on the GAPS Diet
  • When or if you do see a practitioner, you can focus on Your Unique Health Issues vs. trying to figure out how to do GAPS ‘right’
  • It took me: 3.5 years on GAPS, a lyme disease diagnosis, record-breaking amounts of pesticides in my body, an incredible amount of heavy metals, a GAPS practitioner certification, and 8 months working intensely with one of the top GAPS Practitioners in the world (Dr. Becky Plotner) before I figured out how to do GAPS correctly & truly started healing myself. I don’t think it should take that much time, suffering, or study for you.
  • This is the information that helped me save my own life. I went from being housebound & bedridden with rashes all over my body (that were so bad I couldn’t wear clothes!) to the glowing BEAST I am today 😘. I want you to have it all so that you don’t have to spend $10K+ and precious years of your life piecing this info together like I did.


This pic gives you a very slight idea of what I went through for this information. Very very Slight.




*All Video Trainings are GAPS Certified and Approved by Dr. Natasha*


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All programs and memberships are non-refundable. So make sure it feels like the right fit before you purchase!

I am not offering payment plans currently.

If it's a technical question, send me an email at lauren.meadowsweet@gmail.com. If you are looking for more assistance with the protocol, stay tuned for when the Cocoon opens. This is where we navigate & process everything as a group.

You are welcome to use what you learn in this Program and apply it to your professional or interpersonal relationships. However, you are not permitted to copy or distribute this program directly to your patients, clients, or anyone else. Also, please cite my work when applicable.

You have lifetime access to all videos and courses once you purchase them.