A New Project, A New Chapter.

••Moments I Wouldn’t Normally Record••

✨💓🌲click here to see the official givebutter page🌿🌕💕✨



After nearly a decade of learning how to  H E A L  myself – whilst the mainstream medical system failed me – I feel like I’m finally getting somewhere.


it took me this long to realize -> this story isn’t about disease. at all. It’s about truly discovering what healing feels like in my own body vs. my rational Ideals of how It is “supposed to be”


💔In facing my own death multiple times before the age of 30, experiencing years on end of Being incapable of going on a hike, running my own errands, & struggling financially to feed + house myself, I came up against this question time & time & time again – — – what could this all mean? was I going to Be like this for ever? And why keep fighting at all???????






My new project – ‘Moments I Wouldn’t Normally Record’ explores all that. As I Bring you Along on an Intimate Journey not suited for the Eyes of the Big Wide World. In this protected container, we get really real. But never lose sight of the inevitable Love, & Hope, & unconditional Healing potential that ultimately exists. within us & all around us. It Is Real. and to lose sight of that is to lose sight of the Reality we are all Swimming In.



✨Watch the above Video for more info on ‘Moments I Wouldn’t Normally Record’👆✨


but Basically this Project is a video documentation of my process – what it continues to Take for me to heal – beyond concepts, beyond principles, beyond the pages of a Book. this is real life, folks. What it Actually Looks Like. when Healing becomes a Priority Placed literally over Everything Else



the odd gift when you are Faced With – H E A L or Die & you choose to Heal..



*sign up for 💓Monthly💕 Contributions to access the ‘Moments I Wouldn’t Normally Record’ Video Series by hitting the 💫contribute✨ button above 😘* Please contribute an amount that reflects the value my work has given you in relevance to your Bank Account*




–> upon your contribution, you’ll get an automatic email giving you immediate access to Season 3 of the CANCER series. Then I’ll send you an email personally within 3-5 business days that includes the link & password to the ‘Moments I Wouldn’t Normally Record’ Video portal  <—





1 time contributors get automatic Access to Season 3 of the  C A N C E R  series. An email will send immediately upon your contribution with the Link & the Password. Again — please contribute an amount that reflects the value my work has given you in relevance to your Bank Account🌈☀️💖🌕🐢




Additional Links-

Sign up for my email list

watch some ‘samples’ of Moments I Wouldn’t Normally Record

Watch Season 1 of the  C A N C E R  series





🌿Feedback from ‘Moments I Wouldn’t Normally Record’ so far:

“Oh my goodness, thank you so much for sharing this video! I wish I could give you the biggest hug. You are a fighter, and you fight with such grace and strength. You have left an indelible mark on my heart that I will hold forever. I have no doubt your amazing impact on history will never fade. You have already done so much for this world with your healing, your story, and the endless love you share.  I am praying for you with all my heart. I know that your strength to fight will only increase. You will overcome! May you feel so much love from heaven and earth in this season. Love you, sister!” -Ally


“Your voice and communication of all you have learned was a blessing for me in so many ways. You encouraged me and brought awareness to a few things I have been struggling with. You are on a journey that no one but you can understand, and it is a journey that is more difficult than anyone can understand – yet your strength and your growth have lifted my thought process on so many levels. I’m not sure you know what a light you are. By the way, you look great!! Thank you for making this video – we love and pray for you always!! Yes, please let me know your findings. I think you used great wisdom and made great connections with the Spirit to get the test scheduled. You obeyed the calling of God in your spirit and He answered it by prompting me to pay for it. Wow! That is awesome!! Love you sweetie.” – Patricia Betts



* 🌕click the 💫contribute✨ button up top👆☀️ & sign up for monthly donations to get access to ‘Moments I Wouldn’t Normally Record’ *

Please donate an amount reflective of the value I have given you in relevance to your Bank Account + allow 3-5 business days for me to send you the link & password to this ‘Moments’ portal







surviving Cancer Death

surviving Cancer Death • Dying over & over again. The Death of my Mother figure, doctor, & Mentor – who was helping me with the same disease that she died from {{{C A N C E R}}}

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pulling a tumor out of my boob with black salve.
{a.k.a. 1 of the most traumatic, life-changing processes of my life}

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The True Co$t of the GAPS Diet

Whew! I finally did it! I can’t tell you how long I’ve been putting this off. Analyzing the cost of a functional doctor vs. a naturopath vs. doing GAPS perfectly + a GAPS practitioner is just NOT my idea of a good time!

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Processing Heartbreak and Uncertainty on GAPS

Within the past month my partner and I split up. We had been together for 7 years and engaged for over 1. During this time, fleas infested my cats and those little buggers invaded our airbnb. Meanwhile, I was & still am displaced from fleeing a toxic living situation + the infamous wildfires in Oregon that happened shortly thereafter [thousands of people lost their homes in my area].  So I don’t know how you’ve been doing lately, but I haven’t been doing so well. 


***scroll down for video/ audio version***

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Passing Parasites on GAPS Naturally

***scroll down for video/audio version***

*****[warning]: content contains graphic images*****


The scene is set: You’ve figured out how to do GAPS perfectly, and you are probably on GAPS Intro.  You consume at least 5 cups of meat stock per day, drink your probiotic brines to tolerance, get a lot of rest, do detox support on a daily basis, and you’ve gotten really comfortable with enemas.


That’s when foreign crazy stuff starts coming out your butt.  I know. Graphic.  And that’s what started happening to me over a year ago.  At first I thought I was dying.  Then I learned that they were parasites. 

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YEAST: it’s not just about sugar

***scroll down for video/ audio version***


Learning what Candida was and the problems it caused was the first thing ever that made me go on a special diet.  The reality is that candida, or yeast, can be blamed for just about anything. Brain fog, chronic exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, hormone problems, leaky gut, digestive issues, food sensitivities, depression or anxiety, frequent UTIs, rashes, joint pain, you name it.  Everyone is SO WILLING to point the finger at yeast.  As in ‘it’s so evil, now we need to kill/ wage war on it or you wont get better.’  But honestly, that way of thinking is for noobs. 

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GAPS & Stress Part 2: Why Will Power has Nothing to Do with your Ability to Heal Yourself [Energy, Mood, Weight, & Cravings]

***Scroll down if you prefer audio/ video version***


So I have to preface this article by saying it contains the best kept secret known to humans. And this is because when you understand how your Blood Sugar literally controls your life, you’ll understand that there is nothing wrong with you as a person. All your ‘bad’ decisions, all the crappy food you’ve eaten [when trying not to], all the awful sh** you’ve said in the heat of the moment that you didn’t mean, it can all be explained by your blood sugar levels. 

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GAPS & Stress Part 1: Role in Adrenal Fatigue & Trauma

Well, just to address the elephant in the room, between the stress of covid, systems of white supremacy + oppression, and an impending revolution, everything is different now.  And the uncertainty of it all may make you feel like the walls are closing in. Trapped.  Or feeling powerless *slash* hopeless, which is essentially what stress is. 

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My Review of Luisa Zhou’s Employee-to-Entrepreneur Course: The Financial Aspect of Health

The process of healing yourself is hard enough as it is without having to worry about the financial aspects of how you are going to make that happen. 


GAPS & Wealth

You can’t really talk about GAPS without talking about privilege.As it is one of the most expensive + obscure diets around.It seems like GAPS was created for those specifically with socioeconomic & educational privilege.And really, that’s definitely part of the truth. The intrinsic need that gave birth to this protocol was the increasing amount of autistic children born on this planet. Parents spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to find a solution to no avail.As a result, Dr. Natasha created the GAPS diet

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When You Feel like You are Not Healing Yourself on GAPS

***scroll down for video/ audio version***

*content contains graphic images of rashes. do not scroll down if you don’t want to see!*


That moment of doubt when your symptoms don’t go away or start to get worse even though you may have been on GAPS for months at this point.  When you really start to wonder, “Is this even working?”

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GAPS & Human Design

The last few weeks I’ve written about what to do if you’re stuck on GAPS. Detox support being the first priority, and then following up with more pinpointed strategies to up level your GAPS game. 


But what if I told you it wasn’t just about the physical stuff?  What if healing yourself is not just about food, or detox, or meat stock?  Well it’s not. 

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Stuck on GAPS: 5 Ways to Uplevel + Escape a Plateau

If you are following the GAPS diet, implementing proper detox support, and still not seeing the results you want, it can be beyond soul-crushing. I have totally been there, and it’s hard to spend all that time, money, and effort just to have your health remain unstable.  Here are 5 things I emphasized on GAPS to finally get the healing that I desired + longed for. 

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Detox Support = NOT an Option

A lot of times when people think they are getting worse on the GAPS diet, it is because of Detox and Die Off. And they are actually getting better.  I’ve seen this on my own journey (hello, rashes!), and I see it with my clients all the time.  Basically, when pathogenic flora start dying as a result of GAPS, these little bugs explode and release all of their toxins at once. 

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How to Make Liver Pills: An Essential Part of the GAPS Diet

‘For optimal healing, eat the amount of liver equal to the size of your hand every day,’ says Dr. Natasha.  ‘Not your palm, your hand.’


Personally, that sounds like an incredible feat.  I think I may have had a few days like that where I’ve plowed through some pâté, but for the most part, when I heard these instructions, they sounded impossible. 

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Sauerkraut Juice: The Most Overlooked Part of the GAPS Diet

Consuming fermented brines has been one of the most important parts of the GAPS diet in facilitating my detoxification (they are dissolving pesticides in my body!), getting my stomach ready to eat (drinking this sauerkraut juice 15 minutes before a meal), and rebuilding my beneficial gut flora necessary for the rich, healthy life I intend on leading.

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5 Ways I Prepped for Covid-19 Without Even Knowing it

While this Covid-19 Coronavirus has caught the mainstream medical community with it’s pants down, skilled alternative healthcare practitioners have been effectively treating viruses for ages.  Here are 5 things I’ve been doing for awhile that have prepped my immunocompromised self as much as possible for this pandemic.

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GAPS Intro and Coronavirus: The Most Supportive Diet

Mass panic ensues. Toilet paper flies off the shelves, hand sanitizer evaporates the moment it’s back in stock, and politicians declare a state of national emergency.  I remember my partner stalking reddit back in early January wondering how big of a deal this new coronavirus was going to be.  But was any one of us really prepared for it???

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GAPS Cocktail

No, this GAPS cocktail is not alcoholic haha. It’s just a way to spice up your meat stock intake!


On GAPS, Dr. Natasha recommends you drink at least 5 cups of meat stock a day for adults, 3 cups a day for kids. But really in general, the more the better.

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Die Off Guide Part 2: 9 Ways to Deal with It

More die off does not equal better.  A pretty common misconception about die off is that ‘the more miserable I can be (aka the more symptoms I can put up with) during die off, the faster I can heal.’ But that is not the case. When I have too much die off at once, not only do my symptoms get way out of control, but these toxins overwhelm my body (you can read more about this process in my article, What is die off, Really? if you haven’t already) causing more harm than good.  

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Die Off Guide Part 1: What is it, Really?

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about die off and detox. So let’s dive in! Being a GAPS gal myself, I was pretty toxic at first and the amount of ‘good bugs’ in my gut were extremely lacking, so I have a ton of personal experience on this topic (moreso than I would like haha). 

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Enemas on GAPS: Why You Need Them More than You Think

Avoiding an enema on the GAPS diet can increase the time it takes to heal yourself by three months (says Amy Mihaly, of The Be Well Clinic).  So doing enemas on GAPS may be a major determiner of the outcome you will receive from all the hard work you do this diet. Yes, enemas may seem uncomfortable, but let me just get real with you.  I’ve been healing my gut for three years and just started doing enemas on a regular basis. This habit has completely changed my energy, my mood, my sleep, and my optimism toward healing.

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Meat Stock and GAPS: Not Bone Broth!

Meat Stock is the backbone of the GAPS diet. Whether you start on Intro or Full GAPS, Dr. Natasha recommends you consume meat stock for an average of 1 year before switching to bone broth. Why? Meat stock is less digestively complex than bone broth and contains higher levels of collagen, gelatin, and amino acids that play a role in your ability to heal yourself. 


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Bored on the GAPS Diet: GAPS Party Drink Recipe to the Rescue!

Chances are that you are going to get bored on the GAPS Diet. In fact, this phenomenon is almost guaranteed!  Especially on the GAPS Introduction Protocol, with every food needing to be cooked in meat stock and limiting your fibrous vegetables, your meals can start to get repetitive.  But have no fear, GAPS Party Drink is here!

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GAPS and Autoimmune Disease

Whether you are struggling with an autoimmune condition or know someone who does, it seems like you can’t throw a rock these days without hitting an autoimmune person.  Autoimmune conditions happen when your body starts attacking itself.  In Diabetes Type 1, your body attacks your pancreas. In Hashimoto’s, your body attacks your thyroid.  When you have arthritis, your body attacks the lining of your joints.  The list goes on.


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