GAPS Diet Interviews. Me being interviewed and me interviewing other people. So much comes out when we are together. I don’t think this depth of info would surface otherwise.


Raising Kids on the GAPS Diet





Courage & Resilience – Julie’s GAPS Diet Story





Overcoming the Impossible- My GAPS Diet Experience


  • GAPS Certified Instructional Videos
  • David Shakun of WisdomNet Interviews Me about the Profound Healing I’ve Experienced on the GAPS Diet We talk about:
        • What is possible on the GAPS Diet through my own experience
        • Lyme Disease & Chronic Illness – it’s not as hopeless as you may think
        • Trauma & Victim Consciousness
        • Managing + Dealing with Detoxification
        • Symptoms that Show you have a High Toxic Load
        • Why your Symptoms may Not be Going Away
        • The Foundational Aspects of the GAPS Diet that everyone needs to know




GAPS Diet Success with Dr. Becky Plotner

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How the GAPS Diet Applies to You


    • GAPS Certified Instructional Videos
    • In this Interview, we cover:
          • How the GAPS Diet Applies to You
          • Why I got sicker even when I was on GAPS
          • The effects of stress on dis-ease
          • How illness manifests differently for everyone
          • How when your body gets stronger it can seem like it’s getting weaker
          • Top things on GAPS I was getting wrong at first that completely changed the GAPS game for me
          • Navigating boundaries with partners/ spouses on GAPS
          • The importance of a supportive partner/ community in your healing process
          • Navigating detox reactions
          • The majesty of + our obsession with enemas & different enema styles
          • How to get GAPS food into the mouths of the next generation
          • GAPS, weight, & body size
          • Making GAPS more simple & easy to digest
          • Where to find Kate Pope, NTP, CGP: her website & instagram