Being & Eating for your Design {1.5 hrs}

A blend of GAPS and human design. We start off with a reading that informs you how to make decisions in a way that taps you into your inner truth, so you know when to rest & when to push forward. Tuning into this knowing will cultivate ease, flow, and nervous system regulation in your life + support you in getting the maximum benefits on your healing journey. We then dive into how to eat specifically for your design. Don’t know what human design is? This will clue you in.

$375 *SALE* $200




“Lauren read my HD chart in December, it was eye opening to see so many things unfold that have helped me help myself feel unstuck. I have had financial obstacles because of illness, not fun but hey life is a journey. I was able to utilize the HD reading as a “go for it moment.” I had already been thinking of doing a new business but was fearful. In trusting this vibrational energy sign from my HD reading I made the most money I have seen in years. I felt confident and was grateful to have had her guidance.” -Sarah Hernandez from Texas


“Knowing about my human design finally gave me the balance I was looking for in life. Realizing I can tap into my authority to know when to start or stop something took so much stress off of my shoulders about what I “should” be doing or not doing at any given time. It’s such a relief, and instantly gave me certainty about whether I was doing enough in various areas of my life.” -Marisa Tolsma of Bumblebee Apothecary


A few months ago I was blessed to be able to have a human design chart reading with the knowledgeable Lauren Meadowsweet. I actually had my human design chart read a few years previous but not to the depth and understanding that I received with Lauren as my guide. The validations and epiphanies that I received helped me tremendously to understand at depth how so many of the choices, ways of interacting, and urges in my life had been innately seeded for my ultimate soul evolution and service to humanity. Several times I cried because finally I felt understood and understanding of my own experiences, desires, and self. With these understandings I have felt more trusting of my own inner guidance and a feeling of well-being has replaced a lot of my confusion and anxiety. The truth truly will set us free and I cannot think of a better science than human design or a better guide to reveal these core personal truths, gems, and antidotes then Lauren. -J.C.






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