GAPS Programs Designed Specifically for You

*My thing is helping young women stop going to millions of functional doctor appointments.*


Customized One-on-One Offerings

6 Month GAPS Intro Immersion Program

6 Month Clean Eating-to-Full GAPS Program

10 Week GAPS Jumpstart Program


*All programs include a series of 14 GAPS Prep Videos (made by yours truly 😉 ) that have all been approved for accuracy by Dr. Natasha’s son. Two of these videos feature GAPS Expert, Dr. Becky Plotner.


These videos show you exactly how to make everything you’ll need on the GAPS diet & why everything you’re making matters! They are spaced out [alongside suggested homework] over a 4 week period that will have you almost completely prepared for GAPS before our first meeting. *



Have you been wanting to do GAPS for awhile but you’ve been to scared or intimidated?

Your time is now. <3



This kind of support is for you if you’ve tried a bunch of other protocols or have tried GAPS on your own and no longer have time for something that doesn’t WORK.


You don’t need to be super educated about GAPS. And you don’t need to be ready to start GAPS tomorrow or know how to cook all the things.  You just need to show up. Then I will walk you through the rest step-by-step.


If you’re intrigued and want to know more about either of these programs, email me at If it feels right, we’ll schedule a 20 minute phone call {free of charge} to talk about what your needs are & see if we’d be a good fit. And don’t be shy! I’d love to hear from you. 🙂