

31:07 runtime

  • How to Navigate the Mysterious + Overwhelming World of Supplements
  • How to Determine which Supplements are even Important for you to Heal Yourself
  • Why Less is More on the GAPS diet
  • For full description + video trailer, scroll down


*What This Video Includes*


  • How to Navigate the Mysterious + Overwhelming World of Supplements
  • How to Determine which Supplements are even Important for you for you to Heal Yourself



  • Why Less is More on the GAPS diet
  • 2 Supplements not in the book that help pretty much everyone on GAPS
  • How to support your digestion (if you can’t tolerate fermented brines)
  • Extra Vital tips on using supplements to Support Detoxification – a HUGE game changer!
  • #1 way to make sure your are getting enough iodine, which is necessary for healing yourself fully
  • Interested in multiple videos? Best value is in the GAPS Uplevel Intensive <3
  • There is adult language in this video



*All Videos are GAPS Certified and have been Approved for Accuracy by Dr. Natasha’s Son*











***For Additional Questions, scroll down to the FAQ section at the bottom of this page***




*This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about nutrition, lifestyle, and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. For my full Disclaimer, please go to






I'm not sure... I'm taking a break from the 'food' teachings, even though I'm still living daily by All the Principles that I've taught. If these Courses ever do come back, they'll be revamped or rewired in Some Way

✨My New Project is called 'Moments I Wouldn't Normally Record.' You can check it out in the above Video👆🌕🌙 &/or sign up for my email list to get more info✨

💗just sign up for my email list! Scroll up a Tiny Bit on this Page+ enter your contact info under the Prompt - "Things I Don't Show Everyone" • you'll get access to a lot of stuff in there too that I don't/ have not released publicly!💓💕